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| NEWS NEWS NEWS - <2010-06-03> Site goes online again - NEWS NEWS NEWS What is it?
If you're using your PSR keyboard for live gigs you're most probably employing its registration banks for storing each song's panel settings. After some time you might grow quite a large set of registration banks this way. While creating those is quite straight-forward organization is quite time consuming. Especially if you have your banks organized according to your set list. So maybe you have already asked yourself: Can't there be a computer program to ease the task? And the answer is: Yes, there is. It is called the »PSR Registration Shuffler«. So what can the »PSR Registration Shuffler« do for you? It can help you to ...
And best of all, it is free - as in freedom and as in free beer. You're welcome to use the program for any purpose you want. You're also encouraged to share it with all your friends. Just give a copy to somebody who might need it. Unlike with many proprietary applications this doesn't make you a criminal and this is what you're expected to do. You might even roll your own application based upon its source code. I mean, why not? (See licence for more information on this) Help urgently neededDue to the fact that the »PSR Registration Shuffler« has been licenced as free software its development doesn't necesarily rely on one person (me). Instead everybody is invited to lend a hand, be it with coding, translations, artwork or anything else. Just do whatever you feel like it needs to be done. Me, I'd be more than happy because after all, colaboration is what free software is all about. Please have a look at the Help Wanted! and Developers pages in order to get an idea what could be done. Yours truly, Dennis |